Monday, May 25, 2009

Fake out!!!

Today we met up with our whole Study Abroad group and we checked into our new hotel and it is soooo much better then our hostel that we were staying in!!!

We told our Prof where we were staying and he about had a heart attack and said that we were lucky that nothing happened to us. He asked what the worst part of Atlanta was and said that we basically stayed there in Athens.

So we are very lucky to be alive and unharmed :)

I am still trying to figure out the luggage situation, yet I have made it so far!

I am getting skinny and ripped from not eating more than once a day and from lugging that huge bag around. And it has only been 4 days haha....

Ummmm.... Oh! Today we went with the class up to the top of a mountain and we could see ALL of Greece from there! It was absolutely amazing and breathtaking.

Tomorrow class begins!
We are going to Mycenae which is about a 2 hour bus ride, and on the way we are stopping in Corinth which I am really excited about. It is so amazing to me that I am walking around the cities that are written about in the Bible. So cool.

Well I think that I am out for the night!

1 comment:

  1. sounds like fun so far! i miss you...come home soon! love you! dont forget about harry potter!
